Optimization, Graph Theory and Combinatorics ::.
The general objectives of OGTC are to contribute for the development of new results in optimization and operations research, mathematical physics (including theory of billiards and inverse problems), spectral graph theory and its applications to combinatorial optimization, combinatorial matrix theory and combinatorics. It is part of these objectives to give advanced training in any of these areas, namely to do supervision of masters and doctoral theses. It is also among the goals of this group to apply the knowledge of its members as well as the obtained results to real world problems and in expected r&d projects as partnerships with industrial companies and other institutions.
Prof. Doutor Alexander Plakhov
e-mail: plakhov@ua.pt
Prof. Doutor Alexander Plakhov
e-mail: plakhov@ua.pt
8th EUROPT Workshop “Advances in Continuous Optimization”
International Conference on Optimization with more than 120 participants
7th Iberian Workshop on Computational Geometry (20-22 January, 2010)
The 7th IWCG intends to be an informal meeting to bring together researchers and students working in geometric computation. Its main purpose is to learn of recent evolution in problems of common interest, while leaving sufficient time to discuss and pose new problems
74th European Study Group with Industry
This meeting was part of the series of European Study Groups that aim at strengthen the links between Mathematics and Industry by using Mathematics to tackle industrial problems which are proposed by industrial partners
OPTIMA 2012 - III International conference on Optimization and applications, Costa de Caparica, Almada, Portugal
International conference with more than 100 participants registrated