History of Mathematics ::.
One of the main aims of this group is to contribute to the work of CIDMA by supporting and promoting creative capacities in the Department that do not identify themselves with only one of the disciplines or that prefer to be integrated in forms of investigation which use other specific methods (for instance, search in libraries or archives, analysis of estates, comparative or biographical studies etc.) The proposed goals and the expected results of the historical research will be used to increase the scientific culture at any level of research, particularly at the post-graduate level. Another aim is to support the realization of commemorative activities (exhibitions, conferences) on a high scientific level which may find resonance inside and outside the Department.

The group runs two seminars, a general one on departamental level: "The History and Heritage of Mathematics"
and a research seminar:"Notes on the margin of..."

Prof. Doutor Helmuth Robert Malonek
phone: (+351) 234370687/359
Fax: (+351) 234382014
e-mail: hrmalon@ua.pt
1st Annual Workshop of the History of Mathematics Group, Departmento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
This is an annual workshop of the History of Mathematics Group with presentations of all members on some of their recent research topics for sharing ideas and together with invited researchers discussing further research plans. Invited researcher 2017: Sabine Rommevaux-Tani (Université PARIS 7 – CNRS): "Statut de la géométrie dans l´Arithmetica integra de Stifel" (Simpósio: "History and Heritage of Mathematics"). Special contribution by José Vitória (DMUC): "Evocação de Luís de Albuquerque (1917-1992) no centenário do seu nascimento - Matemático, Historiador e Cidadão
2nd Annual Workshop of the History of Mathematics Group, Departmento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
The workshop 2018 of the History of Mathematics Group, together with presentations of all members on some of their recent research topics, included the symposium: "History and Heritage of Mathematics" "Guillaume Gosselin, an early reader of Diophantus’ Arithmetica in Latin" by Odile Kouteynikoff (Université Paris Diderot - CNRS). Special contribution by José Vitória (DMUC): Evocacao de Antonio Judice (1918--1953)
3rd Annual Workshop of the History of Mathematics Group, Departmento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
desenvolvido por: Mentes Virtuais www.mentesvirtuais.com